Design News
Dynamic Text Replacement Solutions
A list of popular Dynamic Image Replacement solutions to help you display your favorite custom font on your site.
jQuery Scroll to Top Control
A useful user interface script that automatically adds a "Scroll to Top" link to the lower right corner of long pages.
Styleneat CSS Beautifier
Styleneat lets you enter or upload a CSS file and beautify/ format it for easy legibility.
15 Surefire Ways to Break Your CSS
Some of the biggest CSS blunders stem from the simplest of errors. Knowing what some of those errors are and remembering to look for them can save you hours of wasted labor.
20 Social Media Sites For Web Designers / Developers
This is a list of 20 digg-like, social media sites on web design. A good way to promote your site if you can get on them.
200 Free Exclusive Icons: Siena
Siena is a set of 200 free icons that includes shopping carts, attachments, locks, and globes.
Texturise- Free Textures
Texturise is a new seamless texture gallery, with the images showcased free for personal and commercial usage.
Intro to Git for Web Designers
If you're a web designer working in a group, making sure everyone is one the same page when it comes to working with files can get tricky..A quick review of Git, an excellent version control system.